Aug 28, 2008

Obama plays loose with the facts

I love me some Obama. If you want to debate who should be president, I’d love to talk.

But it’s important to hold your friends’ feet to the fire too, so I’ll point out a couple of things from Obama’s speech that were dishonest. First, if you read the text of Obama’s speech it will be clear that it was not John McCain who called the country a “nation of whiners,” but an advisor (Phil Gramm), but the language was purposely obfuscated to make it sound like McCain made the comment. Second, Obama claimed that McCain defined middle class as anyone making “less than five million dollars a year.” This was in reference to McCain’s answer to the question “what is the definition of rich” at the recent Saddleback forum. I thought McCain was actually pretty nuanced on that issue, he tried to point out that some of the least happy people he knew were quite well off. This could very well be because John McCain doesn’t know any poor people, but I digress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard him say "John McCain's advisor" and immediately said out loud "Boo Phil Gramm," which woke my sleeping dog (she doesn't like negativity). I guess it depends on what you're listening for.