Jun 9, 2008

Barack Obama

I am really surprised that Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee.

My favorite candidates usually get knocked out in the primaries -- Skinny Al Gore in 1988, Paul Tsongas in 1992, Bradley and Original McCain in 2000, Dean in 2004. (I did have the privilege of voting for Dole in 1996, but he ended up hocking viagra instead of being President.) So I'm thrilled that I'll get the opportunity to follow the Obama campaign over the summer and vote for him in the Fall.

Here are some things I like about Obama:

He seems comfortable in his own skin. He has a self-confidence that will allow him to seek input when he needs it and make hard decisions when necessary.

He's a fantastic orator. The U.S. is going to be up against some difficult issues in the next 4 years (climate change, peak oil, challenges to American hegemony); we're going to need a calm voice to soothe our fears and inspirational words to guide us towards action.

He's young and hip. McCain's so old he might break a hip.

He has experiences that broaden his world view. He's lived in Indonesia and visited relatives in Africa. These are profound, personal experiences that will allow him to take the widest possible view when evaluating the ramifications of U.S. policies.

I'm sure the guy has a lot of faults too. You have to be a bit ruthless and have an enormous ego to rise so far, so fast. His association with Reverend Wright does not bother me (I'm just glad Obama loves Jesus) -- the chuminess with Rezko and his vote for the farm bill are more troubling.

I have no idea what will happen in November. I fear that in the privacy of the voting booth a lot of white folks are going to have a hard time pulling the lever for a dark skinned-basketball playing-Harvard educated-erudite speaking- gutter-ball throwing Chicagoan. But then again, I didn't think he'd make it this far.


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