Jul 1, 2008

Rob and Deanne -- The Full Toast

I was supposed to give a toast at Rob’s wedding this past weekend, but when the appropriate time came, the room got a little dusty and onion-y, so I gave a much-abbreviated version. Here’s the full one -

When I met Rob, we were both clueless freshmen from the burbs trying to make a go of it at Georgia Tech. Rob was a quiet guy, but he had a good sense of humor, and if you wanted to put together a pizza order, you could always count on him to chip in.

Our sophomore year, we roomed together, and it was probably the best year of my life. Rob nursed me through a melodramatic breakup with my high school sweetheart then had a ringside seat as I began to woo the love of my life, Elaine.

I learned a lot about Rob that year. In addition to being a fun and funny guy, he’s smart and patient. He’s a loyal son and brother. He’s incredibly giving. On the other hand, his taste in movies is mediocre, he’s a remarkably bad basketball player, and his man-love for Tom Glavine is a little creepy.

By the time our junior year rolled around, I was really looking forward to spending more time with Rob, but it wasn’t to be. He moved home that year to be closer to his ailing father, and it is a great tragedy that Mr. King isn’t here today to enjoy this celebration.

Those last years at Georgia Tech we didn’t see Rob as much we would have liked, but we did learn the depth of his love and caring. Since we’ve left Georgia, I only get to see Rob once or twice a year now, but invariably, those are highlights of my year.

Elaine and I were visiting Atlanta last 4th of July and tagged along for Rob and DeAnne’s second date. It was clear even at that stage that they were a good match. DeAnne has a great mix of sweetness and sass that complement Rob perfectly. Over the Christmas holidays, DeAnne endured “Idiot Fest” – our annual New Year’s bacchanalia where Rob, John, Garrick, and assorted other friends act like we’re about 5 years old. DeAnne pitched and umpired the wiffle ball game, making ample use of here well-honed teacher voice. Keeping the peace and her sanity were no small feats.

Rob and DeAnne are special people, and we are happy that they have found each other and are lucky that they are in our lives.

To Rob and DeAnne

May your days be long
May your home be full of joy
May your love grow ever stronger
And may your hearts grow together as one

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