Aug 25, 2008

The Honorable Michelle Obama Package

Earlier today I decided to look at the DNC schedule to see what they meant by prime time. The schedule did not fully answer my question, but did raise two more:

  • Who decided that all elected officials are honorable, and all regular joes are not?

  • Since when is Michelle Obama a package, and not a person?


Anonymous said...

the title of 'honorable' is a reference to the honor of serving and not a reference to superiority in any sense....

texasinafrica said...

I think the Obama package means that there's a video and the intro from her brother.

Elaine Hale said...

Sorry, apparently my attempt at humor did not work. Those were rhetorical, poking-fun questions.

texasinafrica said...

The internet is terrible with irony, no? :)

Anonymous said...

it's not that the humor didn't work; it's obvious. but the sub-text is important for anyone elected to remember. they are not above ordinary people and the title should be humbling reminder....and it seldom is....but when it is, it is very appealing....