Aug 15, 2008

You can call me Al…Jazeera

We have lived in Austin -- an island of blue in a sea of red. We have lived in Houston -- a crazily libertarian place where a five minute walk could take you past schools, churches, adult bookstores, flop houses, and mansions. Now we live in Golden, which is pretty Ozzie and Harriet. Sure, we have our motorcycle mamas, kayakers, and ski bums, but this ain’t no Boulder, and you get the sense that people like it that way.

So imagine my surprise when I heard that during the Democratic National Convention Al-Jazeera (the Qatar-based Arabic/Islamic media giant) will be broadcasting from our little hamlet.

I don’t know much about Al-Jazeera beyond what I’ve picked up from other media – I know that they catch flak for giving a platform to bad guys, but their website doesn’t look too crazy. Their analysis of American voters is pretty interesting.

At any rate, I might have to walk by the Buffalo Rose the night that Al-J is in the house, just to see how the regulars interact with the camera folk. Golden will be beamed around the world; I hope we don't do anything silly.

Update: The City of Golden's "Letter to Citizens"


texasinafrica said...

Please tell me you have tickets to the bbq.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the good people of Golden "declare jihad" on some burgers and hot dogs.