Dec 3, 2008

Loose Ends

Aunt Sallie passes along a follow-up article to my post about race and snap decisions.

So maybe Implicit Association Tests don't really test true bias at all. That said, there is still plenty of evidence of persistent racial bias in this country. For a long time, researchers have done "salt and pepper" experiments where blacks and whites with similar or equivalent characteristics (other than race) are considered for jobs, loans, etc. If we really are a meritocracy, should Emily and Greg be more employable than Lakisha and Jamal, solely because the
former have "white-sounding" names?

Quote of the day:
James Naughton, canon for communications and advancement in the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, on the establishment of a new, Conservative Episcopal Province in the U.S.:

“I think this organization does not have much of a future... there are already a lot of churches in the United States for people who don’t want to worship with gays and lesbians. That’s not a market niche that is underserved.”

Vampire Weekend's Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa is the catchiest song since Outkast's Hey Ya! There's a live version available from NPR here.

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