Feb 25, 2009

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone for the congratulations messages! It's been great to hear from folks we haven't heard from in awhile. Please continue to keep in touch. If you need a current e-mail address, look me up on the National Renewable Energy Laboratory website.

In the meantime, here is our funniest baby picture to date:

Testing Suckability 
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Feb 16, 2009

Maternity Quarantine

New mom Elaine writes:

Today is Huck’s 11th day of living on the outside, and my 11th day of living on the inside. I have been outside exactly four times: three times going back and forth from the hospital, and once to tell Travis where in the yard he could dump the compost. Perhaps today I will go on a little (2-3 block) walk.

This is not to say that I have been idle. In addition to my motherly duties and attempting to get a reasonable quantity of sleep, I have had the luxury of crossing a few things off my to-do list and catching up on some work-related reading because Travis and his mom have so generously taken over all kitchen and laundry duties, and a good amount of diaper changing, burping, and rocking.

Hopefully, despite my self-induced busyness, I am also getting in enough time for reflection. It has been about twelve years since I had more that 3-4 weeks off from work at a time.

(Written on 2/15, things are getting more exciting by the day)

Feb 4, 2009

Huckleberry Thomas Hale

Huck has joined us on the outside. Delivery was smooth, and mom and baby are both doing well. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Our next several days will be filled with learning how to feed (Huck), healing from major abdominal surgery (Elaine), and trying to stay out of the way (Travis).

We are overcome with joy; thanks be to God.

Here are a few pictures of the day's events:

Gramma Katie in scrubs

Alive and Kickin'

Our Family


My precious ones