Feb 16, 2009

Maternity Quarantine

New mom Elaine writes:

Today is Huck’s 11th day of living on the outside, and my 11th day of living on the inside. I have been outside exactly four times: three times going back and forth from the hospital, and once to tell Travis where in the yard he could dump the compost. Perhaps today I will go on a little (2-3 block) walk.

This is not to say that I have been idle. In addition to my motherly duties and attempting to get a reasonable quantity of sleep, I have had the luxury of crossing a few things off my to-do list and catching up on some work-related reading because Travis and his mom have so generously taken over all kitchen and laundry duties, and a good amount of diaper changing, burping, and rocking.

Hopefully, despite my self-induced busyness, I am also getting in enough time for reflection. It has been about twelve years since I had more that 3-4 weeks off from work at a time.

(Written on 2/15, things are getting more exciting by the day)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elaine---it was exciting getting to see your new additon. We have four grandchildren (Laura two boys and Mike a son and daughter with another child due in April), so I know how precious grandchildren are for the older generation. Congrats to you. Elmer and Sherry Ford from Lynwood Bapt. in Cape