Mar 7, 2011

2 out of 3

When we moved to Golden it appeared that everyone in our general demographic had a jogging stroller, a Subaru, and a black lab. We have no plans to get a dog; our jogging stroller has probably been the best baby-related purchase we made; and now we have a well-used (but hopefully mechanically sound) Subaru. Each time I get behind the wheel, dad's words ring in my ears, "4-wheel drive just allows you to get stuck in more interesting and less accessible places."

Feb 16, 2011

Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air

A few months ago our friend Sue showed Elaine a free online textbook on sustainable energy.

Sustainable Energy isn't the sexiest topic to read about in your spare time, but this is one of the best written books I've read in a long time. Beyond content, it is a wonderful example of how to support an argument with "numbers, not adjectives". I doubt this style of analysis will gain much traction in our increasingly glib policy debates, but that's a shame.

I wrote more about this in a recent Nip Impressions column.

Feb 10, 2011

Baby, We Were Meant for Each Other

I recently read Scott Simon's short book on adoption. He gives a brief description of his family's experience - they have adopted 2 girls - and also tells some stories of other families that have grown through adoption. I enjoyed the book a great deal and would recommend it to anyone who wants to get a flavor for how adoption changes lives.

Simon's experience with adoption has been largely positive (so far). As a result, his book takes an optimistic view. (The old Peace Corps slogan, "The toughest job you'll ever love," comes to mind.)

I feel like my own next step should be to find a book that offers a bit of a more clear-eyed views on challenges, costs, and benefits of each type of adoption (private-domestic / public-domestic (foster-to-adopt / and international). If you have any suggestions, let me know.

Feb 8, 2011

Super Cupcakes!

Huck's second birthday was last week, and we celebrated with a family-friendly Super Bowl party. It was a good time; certainly the most people we've had in the house at one time since we've been here.

Huck continued his trend of bursting into tears during the Happy Birthday song, but at least it was his party this time instead of one of the Smith girls'. Other than that the birthday boy seemed to enjoy himself.