Jun 6, 2008

Early Impressions of Colorado (especially Golden)

The natural beauty is astonishing.

The state squirrel of Colorado is the rabbit; there are bunnies everywhere.

Some stereotypes hold quite a bit of truth. The people who live out here (the West) are friendly, but really independent. Sure, there's beer-league softball and community groups, but a very large percentage of recreational activity is of an individual nature -- skiing, cycling, climbing, kayaking, fishing. It makes me particularly wistful for the groups I have enjoyed being a part of (church groups and frisbee teams in Austin and Houston, in particular). I guess when you live in a place this majestic, a lot of folks make friends with nature.

The Denver Art Museum (free on the first Saturday of the month) is great. It's huge, non-pretentious, and there are lots of comfortable places to sit.

In a hotel lobby in Colorado Springs I heard a guy refer to James Dobson's "Focus on the Family," simply as "Focus," like it was so ingrained in society that you could shorten the name and still expect everyone to know what you were talking about. That little bit of eavesdropping made me happy that we live in Golden instead of Colorado Springs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Meetup.com" is a good place to connect with other people in your area who like various group activities.