Feb 4, 2009

Huckleberry Thomas Hale

Huck has joined us on the outside. Delivery was smooth, and mom and baby are both doing well. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Our next several days will be filled with learning how to feed (Huck), healing from major abdominal surgery (Elaine), and trying to stay out of the way (Travis).

We are overcome with joy; thanks be to God.

Here are a few pictures of the day's events:

Gramma Katie in scrubs

Alive and Kickin'

Our Family


My precious ones


texasinafrica said...

Yay!!! Congratulations! He's so precious. I'm glad everything went well and can't wait 'til you bring him to Austin so we can all admire him in person.

texasinafrica said...

PS You could not have picked a more perfect middle name.

Sarah said...

He is absolutely gorgeous! I am so glad that everything went well. Thanks for the update and the pictures. love - Sarah

Chaotic Joy said...

Oh, I'm all teary. What a beautiful baby. What a blessing. Praying for a smooth transition to parenthood for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Travis and Elaine,

Huck is wonderfully cute. How that happened, I have no idea, but genetics always gets the last laugh.

I love the names you chose for him. I sure hope he can live up to them.

Love, Aunt Sallie

the librarian said...

Hooray! Hooray! Welcome Baby Huck! He and Mommy look great. I predict the person who will have the hardest time completing the tasks listed in the post will be Daddy.

MET said...


Huge congrats to the fam from your long-lost comrade in Bryan/College Station.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Get some rest, Hales, and let the fun begin :) Keep the pictures coming.

Tim said...

Welcome to the world, Huck! We're excited to meet you someday. My unsolicited advice to your parents is to soak up every moment of these first few days/weeks and don't allow anyone to mention sleep deprivation in your presence. As if that's even in the top ten, twenty or even thirty most significant things happening right now. A new life has entered the world. God is good! Live with joy!

Anonymous said...

Travis and Elaine -
Congratulations! Donna sent me an email about the great news. We are all so happy for you! He looks beautiful!
Love to all -
Janna Hicks (and Jeff, Andrew, and Will)

Unknown said...

Congratulations Travis and Elaine! He is adorable! Now _there's_ an Ulti name that matches Travis's style of play. :)


Anonymous said...

Travis and Elaine, great to hear the news about Huck. The three of you are a beautiful family! - Ron (and Masmin)

lovemaee said...

OMG he is adorable (and I can already seen the family resemblances!). Congratulations to you both, actually to all three of you :). Welcome to the world, Huck - LOVE the name.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you both! To what address should I send his first frisbee? : )

Hearts and Stars said...

So awesome! I am so happy for you. I love this picture of you and your baby. You look very happy.

Best wishes!